I'm back mayn! Well I came back on Thursday so this is a bit late, but what an eventful two weeks!
The wedding, (which was the main reason for the holiday) went really, really well. Perfectly sunny day, many smartly dressed people, including myself ;), and the fact that it took place on the beach was wicked. Good turnout from the Brits made it even nicer.
This was my third visit, but my first with a camera. As I am always taking photographs these days, and looking for things to take photographs of, this trip really made me realise how much of a beautiful place this really is.
I was able to watch a local cricket match between Harvey Vale & Lestere from the comfort of the house I was staying in. The closest beach was only a two minute walk away which is the handiest thing in the world when you want to bathe your many mosquito bites in the salt water. Stupid mosquitoes...
In one of the two weeks that I was there, I met a man named Vaughn (who was the best man). Vaughn owns a yacht. Unfortunately my camera had run out of batteries when he offered a cruise, but the views from the middle of the sea were amazing. Carriacou looks even smaller when you look at it from afar because you can see the whole island. That is not supposed to happen, but it does only have a population of 6,000.
The one and a half hour Osprey boat ride between Carriacou & Grenada is a bit bumpy. Sitting with a group of travel sick people for that amount of time looks, sounds and smells disgusting, but what is on the other side is worth it.
Having four dollars to the pound really makes you feel rich. But you really aren't. Prices are magically made higher when the locals hear a British sounding voice but bartering is fun... if you know how to do it.
If you ever visit Grenada, go to Fish Friday, which is on, surprisingly, every Friday. Go early though, because we didn't, and we missed most of everything. At least there was fish to eat. Which was quite very nice to be honest.
We went on a tour of the island as well. Which quite educational. I learned about the different spices, and their uses, learned how rum was and is now made at a rum distillery, went to a waterfall and watched some man jump into the 'shallow pool of death' as i like to call it, from a very high point. I still didn't have any batteries so its phone camera business whenever i get the pictures up.
I did finally get some batteries though and took many, many photos.
Pictures away.