Yeah sorry about that. After my exam I decided I would have a nap... which I didn't wake up from til 12 hours later. Confusing times tbh, dunno how that happened...
The SMS Team had its first meeting on Friday, planning away to entertain your future so more videos coming this way very soon which you may be happy to know. Anyway, I haven't really spoken about SMS TV much on this blog so let me start here.
SMS is a joint effort started by myself, Sir Mitchie and some dude named Shoddy - hence the SMS.We make videos don't you know?! As I stated earlier, we are a team, and this team is made up of 5 people who are as follows:
Sir Mitchie (Myself): I shoot the vids, regulate, take control of meetings etc & other boring things
Shoddy: Acts, regulates, helps with new ideas
Rav P: Acts, comes up with ideas and plays the UFC demo... over and over again
Ruthless: Acts, comes up with ideas and also plays UFC... over and over again, also likes nans
Lee: Also acts.
Over the summer, we will be bringing you sketches, video interviews, maybe even reviews and other stuff which you WILL find pretty nice indeed.
The content on this blog should be coming thick and fast pretty soonish seeing as revision & exams are over. I'll be taking my cameras out more, posting random stuff I find, more random reviews like the chocolate ones a lot of you liked haha and obviously, videos.
I STILL don't have the tracklists for these mixes I want to post up... I may even post them up and leave you guessing what they are soon. Some people are just long =|... XD
If you like racing games, have a PlayStation 3 and want to play something while you are waiting for Gran Turismo 5 (sigh), I recommend Ferrari Challenge =]. I don't even like Ferrari's, I never have really, but the game is actually pretty sick. Takes a while to get into - I even used the tutorial like a noob - but it's definitely worth it. I've been playing it solidly recently... only bought it a few days ago but yeah, but it, play it, and let me beat you. PSN ID: sirmitchie.
Anyway, I feel like watching a film... dunno which one but I will.
Oh yeah... last night in town was kinda random... I still don't know who's party it was :|!
P.S. Thanks to everyone who watched Episode 2. We have had so many views and positive feedback, it makes all those hours worth it. =]