Thursday, 25 June 2009

Wednesday, 24 June 2009

What is the longest thing in the world?

No, it isn't the equator, its COURSEWORK =|
I wrote a ten page script today as part of one of the one assessment objective of one of the six remaining units. Even though I'm writing on here near enough everyday, making up ten pages of dialogue... THEN having to write a camera script fir it when I'm finished is kinda depressing. That's more or less my day in a paragraph really, apart from actually having jokes at work - good times.

My eyes are actually only half open as I'm writing this, I bet I fall asleep within half an hour of posting this. Grr. Five days to go... then I'm FREE... to play on my PlayStation ;).

If your on here to watch Episode 4... erm... it's not finished yet. Education = less time to do anything fun. Hopefully it will be here tomorrow but no promises. Keep watching this space though, it will be worth it.

If I wasn't so tired, I'd say up until the early hours of the morning doing C/W, chiseling away at my second A, but my eyes feel like they are gonna collapse on themselves. Bad times.

If any of this post didn't make sense, I blame coursework...

Monday, 22 June 2009

Why do museums have to be closed on Mondays...

Damn museums. There's us being good and actually getting ourselves to Cecil Higgins to complete a media unit... and its CLOSED. Why close it on Mondays. What could the museum staff possible have to do that is so special that they have to close it every Monday. Monday is the start of the week!

Although there is the obvious sense of WASTE OF TIME... we did use this time of waste to randomly explore a patch of Bedford we rarely go to... that massive mound/castle thingy which overlooks the river Great Ouse. I would have posted the photos I took... but I didn't think to take them on a digital camera and played around with my new [old] toy... a SLR which goes by the name of Praktica BCA. Its pretty nice... it has a 10~ year old film inside it which I've been clicking away, hoping it will be possible to develop it when I'm done. If not... at least I've had some practice ay. Apart from that, Darren decided to nearly run Shoddy over a few times, I discovered I have at least one A for media, we recorded some footage for a future SMS TV episode and I found my phone. Good times.

Gah, 6 days to finish Media! Will it happen? Will Mitchie be the proud owner of TWO A's?!
I hope so...


Sunday, 21 June 2009

Let this be a lesson to you all!

Just don't!


This is for Ben

You might not get it, it may be a private joke but yeah... LOL!


Saturday, 20 June 2009

Tomorrow didn't happen

Yeah sorry about that. After my exam I decided I would have a nap... which I didn't wake up from til 12 hours later. Confusing times tbh, dunno how that happened...

The SMS Team had its first meeting on Friday, planning away to entertain your future so more videos coming this way very soon which you may be happy to know. Anyway, I haven't really spoken about SMS TV much on this blog so let me start here.

SMS is a joint effort started by myself, Sir Mitchie and some dude named Shoddy - hence the SMS.We make videos don't you know?! As I stated earlier, we are a team, and this team is made up of 5 people who are as follows:

Sir Mitchie (Myself): I shoot the vids, regulate, take control of meetings etc & other boring things

Shoddy: Acts, regulates, helps with new ideas

Rav P: Acts, comes up with ideas and plays the UFC demo... over and over again

Ruthless: Acts, comes up with ideas and also plays UFC... over and over again, also likes nans

Lee: Also acts.

Over the summer, we will be bringing you sketches, video interviews, maybe even reviews and other stuff which you WILL find pretty nice indeed.

The content on this blog should be coming thick and fast pretty soonish seeing as revision & exams are over. I'll be taking my cameras out more, posting random stuff I find, more random reviews like the chocolate ones a lot of you liked haha and obviously, videos.

I STILL don't have the tracklists for these mixes I want to post up... I may even post them up and leave you guessing what they are soon. Some people are just long =|... XD

If you like racing games, have a PlayStation 3 and want to play something while you are waiting for Gran Turismo 5 (sigh), I recommend Ferrari Challenge =]. I don't even like Ferrari's, I never have really, but the game is actually pretty sick. Takes a while to get into - I even used the tutorial like a noob - but it's definitely worth it. I've been playing it solidly recently... only bought it a few days ago but yeah, but it, play it, and let me beat you. PSN ID: sirmitchie.

Anyway, I feel like watching a film... dunno which one but I will.

Oh yeah... last night in town was kinda random... I still don't know who's party it was :|!

P.S. Thanks to everyone who watched Episode 2. We have had so many views and positive feedback, it makes all those hours worth it. =]

Wednesday, 17 June 2009

Right, I'm back

Just about!
Been revising for exams, doing exams, doing coursework and a load of other stuff lately and haven't had much time to write anything on the blog... not good really. Got my last exam tomorrow. FINALLY. Just a bit of coursework to go until I'm officially free for the summer.

I'm not waiting 'til then though... from tomorrow the content will be coming thick and fast. I was planning on posting up a mix today... but erm... it didn't happen. As soon as I'm given the tracklists (cough cough) you can have them. I have a backlog of mixes to post on here actually haha, oh dear. I will explain SMS TV to you lot as well. Until then, I'm gonna go back to revision.


Friday, 5 June 2009

Sir Mitchie TV: Episode 2 [Next Hype]

Last day of school. Normal people go in, say bye and go home. Shoddy decides to sit down and day dream... Strange dude.

Tuesday, 2 June 2009

E3 Games Expo: Sony's conference.

I'd been waiting ages for this, and I can safely say that it was absolutely awesome. 
From the off, they went straight into the announcements. OVER 300 PLAYSTATION GAMES ARE COMING OUT THIS YEAR!!!!!!11!1!!one. *clears throat* The PSP Go, which you may or may not have heard of already (they accidentally leaked it themselves, ha) which looks so good I might have to buy myself one. I gave my PSP 2000 to my dad. Kinda want it back now.

The new one is smaller than the rest of the PSP range, and it's all digital. No UMD drive for games or movies, 100% downloads. 40% lighter than the PSP 3000, its new sleek design tucks everything under itself with a sliding screen. Noice. Wi-fi, Bluetooth, 16GB of memory!, M2 external memory & just some of the things that make this thing so awesome... Comes out on October 1st. Good month.

They annouced a new motion controller which will work with the Playstation Eye (which I am a proud owner of) and looks very precise. Its kind of like the Wiimote, but very different at the same time. It uses a 'globe' on the end of it, which the Eye can 'see' and tracks it, giving us a load of different possibilities. They demonstrated how you can write, shoot, shine things with a torch & sword fight to name a few. The demonstration COULD have been pretty sick... but it was full of fail. The speaker was a but shy, bless him, his voice was stuttering all over the place, and the demonstrator dude couldnt even hit the tennis ball, after many attempts. Jokes =D.

Games I was/am excited about

Gran Turismo 5. Oh my Days
Polyphony finally game us a trailer. Albeit short, it was mind blowing and almost gave me lock-jaw. Everybody watching the stream that care about this game were caught off guard. At first, I thought it was a trailer for a new rally game, followed by a Nascar game. Very confused because i thought the graphics looked too good to be any other standalone games. Then it hit me, it was Gran Turismo. As my mouth started to open wider, I saw Le Mans cars driving at NIGHT, World Rally Championship cars with DAMAGE, over 16 cars on a single track and a whole load of beautiful scenery, I almost died tbh. NO RELEASE DATE THOUGH >.<>

Gran Turismo Mobile (PSP)
800 cars, 35 tracks, online and a Ferrari Enzo are the main points for this game. The graphics, for a PSP game, look impressive to say the least. It runs as 60 frames per second, making is silky smooth and it includes all the standard modes you will find in Gran Turismo games. It's released in October 2009 and is another reason I need my PSP a PSP...

Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
I still can't believe how stunning this game looks. The amount of detail put into this game is amazing. The scenery, the emotions in Drake's face, the interiors... everything about the way this game looks makes me want to go 'wow.' The trailer they showed is fast paced and action packed, showing drake in a one on one shoot out with... a helicopter. Cannot WAIT til release day. Number 1 was epic itself.

Final Fantasy XIV (yes FOURTEEN)
Another Playstation exclusive. More unexpectedness. Online only. Not much information given about this game either but the trailer was beautiful.

Assassin's Creed 2
DAMN this is a nice looking game. If you've played the previous game, Altair is gone and the time period is different but the game play looks WAY better. Its now set in the Italian Renaissance and the protagonist is a trainee assassin. He has TWO hidden blades under his sleeves now, one for each hand, of which both can be used at the same time! Leonardo Da Vinci invents gadgets for you, and the AI will search for you if you hide in haystacks. DEFINITELY buying this game.
I'm gonna be so poor this year =[

Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker (PSP)
Yet another exclusive, this game is the link between MGS 2 & 3. Hideo Kojima (the creator) said he really cares about this game and that he will put a lot of effort into it, even though its only for a handheld console. Most of the developers behind the PS3 game Metal Gear Solid 4 are on the team and Kojima said specifically that this is not a spin off. (The one on the 360 is haha). I really want my PSP back... I have a till next year 'til i need it though.

God Of War III
Oh my days...

My mind is mush... I'm trying to think of what else I saw... may need to edit.

Every gaming website I regularly visit, crashed in the wake of this epic conference. So Sony win =]. No I'm not a fanboy. Shh


Monday, 1 June 2009


I'm back.
I took a while off to do some sensible things... such as sort my room out and revision... and stuff. Ive forgotten to do a few things, such as post May's mix and edit a video and... stuff. But I promise you, June will be a good month for this blog.

Last month wasnt so bad either. Barcelona won the treble, Tottenham finished above West Ham, I won yet another competition (third one this year, this one being a free Bar9 CD) and I got my media work in on time. Happy days. (Was a terrible programme)

Anyway, I'm going to be back on the regular posts very soon. Probably not a post a day until my exams are over, but definitely more than last month.

More downloadable and viewable content as soon as possible.