Wednesday, 28 October 2009

T.S. Abe

I randomly discovered this artist a few months ago when I was trying to find an image of one of my favourite Neo Soul singer, Erykah Badu on Deviant Art. 20 year old T.S. Abe, or QueenIndra as she calls herself on DA, is a London girl who is like a mini celebrity in Brixton. From Album covers to the sides of a bus, she's done it all. I like the way she very rarely uses colour in her works but captures every detail in whatever she draws. Colour is overrated anyway.

Most of the artwork she posts on her DA gallery is University project work which makes me want to get my pencils out and try to replicate what she does. This time next year, I'll be at university. That's almost a year to practice. Gah!


Monday, 19 October 2009


19 years ago, a Mitchie was born! Being 19 feels exactly the same as being 18. This anti-climax was an expected one.
Today was a pretty chilled day. Sped up my computer, had a meeting with my client about the website and disposed of some Helghast on Killzone 2. I couldn't believe how many messages I got on facebook today - there was absolutely loads. I would thank each of you individually but that would take ages... so thank you as a whole (:

From the looks of it, the next interview to grace this blog will be with Tayong, which may be an audio/video one so watch out for that... should be good.

I haven't spoken about football on here in ages... Tottenham aren't doing too bad are they. Third in the league. This time last year I wouldn't even mention the Premier League so all looks well. I'll buy one of the shirts this season. Might even put my name on it for once. Sir Mitchie. I can see it now!

Back to designing coat hooks tomorrow...


Sunday, 18 October 2009

What a weekend

From the Red Lion, to the Litten Tree, to Saints & Sinners, to Time Out, to Matt's, back to the Red Lion Then back to Matt's. My weekend was pretty mad!

Rikki, Matt, Nathaniel & I had so many jokes. The amount of stories these guys have to tell is phenomenal. I need to get out of the house more than I do to be honest! Nathaniel is definitely tied down with his new girl - with assistance of Rikki who texted off his phone when he was sleeping haha. We met the Milky Bar kid who is also German. I saw some people who I hadn't seen in ages... if you're reading this... hello again. Time out was PACKED again. Literally couldn't dance in there, so we stayed in the garden for most of our time there. I was surprised I managed to stay out for so long with no money but I guess I'm loved! Our original plans were to go The Pad but when we got there, some girls sat in the smoking ordered to "Save yourselves!" as it was so crap in there... so we did and had jokes else where. I'm sure Nathaniel bought more rounds than he was supposed to!

You know you've had a good Sunday when you've had a combination of PlayStation, Xbox, food, beer, jokes and more jokes. I got a bit of an earful when I got home but I survived haha.

19 tomorrow... 19 on the 19th, isn't that cool


Friday, 16 October 2009

Mission War Tile: COMPLETE

Yeah I deed it mayne. In and out of College before half 11 and I only broke it a little bit! Virtual DJ, Photoshop, MSN & facebook are four programs which sum up the rest of my day to be honest. Grime fans will probably know that Dot Rotten recently gave away 50 instrumentals for free as he acquired 1000 followers on his twitter. I downloaded it today and it is definitely worth the wait - it did take a while to download... and unzip.

Dot Rotten's music can go from emotional to absolute hype-fest and we are given each of those and everything in between. I decided that I was to mix my way through the whole 50. I did, and it sounded kinda sick. Should have recorded it to be honest.

I discovered that I'm one of those tidy people who have to have their iTunes looking neat and tidy and with album covers wherever possible. As Dot Rotten didn't take time out to make one for us, I dusted the cobwebs off of the old Photoshop and made one myself.

I just remembered that I was supposed to take photographs of my tile to post on here. I kinda didn't, so when I get it back on Tuesday, I'll take one of mine and of Nicola's and Ali's. I bet you're really excited. Anyway, here's some stuff:

If you want to check out the instrumentals, click here. If you don't really listen to Grime, give it a chance... you may just like it.


Wednesday, 14 October 2009

War Tiles

We had to design and create tiles based on what we saw at the Imperial War Museum today. These tiles are basically MDF squares which we have to transform into war inspired masterpieces. I decided to take the typography route and imprinted some words into the plaster I set onto the tile. 'Fight to stop HITLER before he stops YOU.' Damn Hitler and his stopping ways... If I can actually remember to buy some batteries, I may even take a photo of this amazing tile after I hopefully finish it tomorrow and post it on here for you all to laugh at compliment me on :).

I haven't actually mentioned this but Rav-P now works where I work. He accidentally set the alarm off today and had to stay with the store manager for hours after the store closed for somebody to press four numbers on the keypad in order for them to be able to set the alarm and go home. I actually kinda feel sorry for the dude... still funny though haha.

Erm... I can't get my new ring off my middle finger. Might as well accept it as a new addition to my hand now.

Half day tomorrow - I can actually get 8+ hours sleep for once... starting from NOW.


Tuesday, 13 October 2009

The Imperial War Museum

If you ever find yourself being too happy and feel like you want a little bit of sadness in your life... then go to the Imperial War Museum. Seriously, the place is so depressing. The ground floor isn't to bad, vehicles and memorabilia from past wars, but on the top floor was the Holocaust Exhibition.

It didn't really make things any better me not having anything to eat before I left - I was so hungry. The exhibition was full of depressing looking photographs. I remember this one giant picture of a girl crying over who I assume to be her sister, laying as if her face had been pushed into the dirt of the field. Hitler posters, swastikas, a collection of shoes which had once been owned by the people who were gassed, and even pellets which would have been used in the gassings. The only thing cool about the visit to the museum were the vehicles. Other than that... =\.

On the bright side, I had some food, and shopped around Oxford Street, bought myself a ring and even saw Tempa T! I didn't take any photographs at the museum... hopefully I'm gonna be able to get this unit done. Should be a piece of cake?


Monday, 12 October 2009

Today was a good day

I had my first driving lesson today. Yeah, lookout world... I'm probably gonna be accidentally running you over soon! I actually didn't do too bad for my first lesson, if I do say so myself. Was on the main road, driving around roundabout like 'look at me, I'm driving!' whilst pressing the throttle while the clutch was still down :). More lessons to come... I wonder how long it will be 'til I pass?

If that wasn't enough excitement for one day... I went shopping in Milton Keynes with Bea, which is always good. One problem I always have when I go shopping, is that I never actually buy anything. My taste is either too expensive or i genuinely don't see anything worth buying but some monotone t-shirts. Luckily Bea was there to make me buy my brand new blue polo shirt.

Other than this one garment I bought once Bea bought a whole outfit... I bought some CD's I'd been meaning to buy for years - literally. Dizzee Rascal - Boy in da corner & (watch the contrast) Linkin Park - Meteora. My Linkin Park CD collection is one CD away from being complete... yay.

Random piece of information - on the way out from HMV, I notice a PlayStation 3 with FIFA 10 running, just waiting to be played, so as expected of me... I stop Bea from stepping on the escalator while I try it out. Being a Pro Evo player, I wanted to see how FIFA was this year but i was challenged buy some random dude who had his mates around him so I say 'OK, but you'll probably beat me, I'm a Pro player'. So it was on. I chose Tottenham - naturally, and he chose AC Milan. 'I like Ronaldinho,' he explained.

After 10 FIFA minutes, I was 2-0 down. Bea gave me a look. It was time to up my game... From my third kick off, it was total football by me. Bare passing - I was not gonna let him get the ball back. To cut a long story short, the game finished 4-3 to me. I left laughing while this random dude got ripped apart by his mates.

Good times... London tomorrow. Imperial War Museum here we come. It better be good ¬_¬


Thursday, 8 October 2009

Branislav Kropilak

I discovered this guy's images the other day and forgot all about posting them on here... Branislav Kropilak is a Slovakian photographer who finds most of his inspiration from architecture and industrial design and has a real nack for making everyday places we take for granted pretty interesting. Makes me even more determined to save up for a DSLR tbh.
Heres a random selection:
