Friday, 16 October 2009

Mission War Tile: COMPLETE

Yeah I deed it mayne. In and out of College before half 11 and I only broke it a little bit! Virtual DJ, Photoshop, MSN & facebook are four programs which sum up the rest of my day to be honest. Grime fans will probably know that Dot Rotten recently gave away 50 instrumentals for free as he acquired 1000 followers on his twitter. I downloaded it today and it is definitely worth the wait - it did take a while to download... and unzip.

Dot Rotten's music can go from emotional to absolute hype-fest and we are given each of those and everything in between. I decided that I was to mix my way through the whole 50. I did, and it sounded kinda sick. Should have recorded it to be honest.

I discovered that I'm one of those tidy people who have to have their iTunes looking neat and tidy and with album covers wherever possible. As Dot Rotten didn't take time out to make one for us, I dusted the cobwebs off of the old Photoshop and made one myself.

I just remembered that I was supposed to take photographs of my tile to post on here. I kinda didn't, so when I get it back on Tuesday, I'll take one of mine and of Nicola's and Ali's. I bet you're really excited. Anyway, here's some stuff:

If you want to check out the instrumentals, click here. If you don't really listen to Grime, give it a chance... you may just like it.


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